Movement speed and combat AI have been based off of footage from German Shepherd police dogs in action as well as their possible carry weight. Damage and defense are based off of raider owned dogs have except they are improved all around, additionally I've added the abilities of Rex from Fallout 3 to his arsenal.

All the work I've done on this mod has been based off of multiple things, special stats are based off of what real life dogs are capable of and what the raider owned dogs have. I've spent over a year tweaking him through multiple saves to turn him into the true companion everyone deserved and I hope to turn him once again into the Sole Survivor's best friend. This is unacceptable in every way and makes it so the average player leaves him to permanently hang out in their settlement doghouse over using him as a companion.

Even then in the start of the game he doesn't manage to kill a single raider half the time before being gunned down and wasting valuable stimpacks. He is most likely the weakest companion added to any Bethesda game and his usefulness past distracting simple raiders is immediately apparent. If you are anything like me and you have tried using Dogmeat as a companion you would have seen his downfalls and the sad amount of detail that was paid when it comes to combat. I can't believe that Dogmeat: ATC made it to hotfiles and it's all thanks to everyone's interest and support so thank you very much!!Īlso a big thanks to BlindJudge for choosing this mod for staff pick of April 2017!!